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Being an example of The Example

Before I even get started, I’m just going to go ahead and say: this post may step on some toes. Get up in your grill. However you want to say it, this may make you uncomfortable. But if it does I ask you  to consider: does it make you uncomfortable because you know it applies to you? I think this is something we all need to be reminded of sometimes.

            Today I’m going to be talking about being an example. As Christians we are called to set an example for non-Christians, and if we want to be an example, we have to base ourselves off of The Example. Yeah, you guessed it: Jesus. The whole WWJD (what would Jesus do) thing has become somewhat clichéd in recent years, but it still holds truth. Here’s something I like to go by. Whatever it is that I’m doing or thinking about doing, I put it into this phrase to see if it makes sense: “In the name of Jesus, I…” As Christians we should be living and dedicating our lives as an act of worship to Jesus, so it doesn’t make much sense when you say, “In the name of Jesus, I cuss. In the name of Jesus, I talk about people behind their backs. In the name of Jesus, I talk back to my parents and disrespect them. In the name of Jesus, I act just like everybody else because it’s easier to go with the crowd.” When we pick up or hold onto behaviors that resemble the life that we’re claiming to be set apart from by Jesus, we have no credibility whatsoever. Being a Christian doesn’t mean anything. You may never know who is watching you. If an unbeliever sees that you claim to have the answer in Jesus but your life looks just like theirs, how will they ever come to know the truth?

The Bible tells us to:

-set an example for unbelievers (Colossians 4:5)

-always be prepared to tell someone about Jesus, which includes living your life as a testimony, so that no one has a good reason to talk bad about the way you act (1 Peter 3:15-16)

-watch the way you live your life because by doing so you save yourself and the people who listen to you (1 Timothy 4:16)

-set an example by doing what is good (Titus 2:7-8)

-follow in Jesus’s steps (1 Peter 2:21)

-watch your mouth! Yes it really is in the Bible, look it up (Ephesians 4:29, Ephesians 5:4)

I encourage you to look up these verses for yourself and read the whole thing! Using Jesus as your example you can’t go wrong. I’m praying for my readers:)

About hregister1

Lowndes High student, member of Abundant Life Church of God's youth group (Student Life Ministries), member of Lowndes High Georgia Bridgemen

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