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Burying the Hatchet

There are few things more humbling than being the one to try and resolve an argument, particularly one you feel you didn’t start. There are few things more difficult than resisting the urge to get in an argument. Every fiber of your being is screaming at you to respond, to defend yourself, to correct this ignorant person who is so wrong but is so convinced that they are right. The thing is, the Bible is very clear about the way we are supposed to react.

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.” -2 Timothy 2:23-24

                The thing about even the shortest arguments, even the ones that don’t seem like a big deal, can turn into a huge lasting fight. We’ve all seen the memes: “Well that escalated quickly.” In this case, though, it really isn’t funny. Friendships can be ruined, and worse, your ability to effectively witness to unbelievers. An argumentative person is a less credible person, especially when trying to promote the love of Jesus. If you allow yourself to get roped into an argument with them, you will drive them away from Christianity.

                If you feel that God really wants you to correct them, do it gently and kindly with love. Refer to verses 25-26. Here’s a rule to go by: if you enjoy doing it, if you’re getting pleasure from it, you probably shouldn’t be doing it. Your heart isn’t in the right place. Pray for wisdom and self-control! God is well able to help you out!

*Note: Being the one to take the first step towards reconciliation is a great way to show Christ’s love!

Remember, in Romans 12:18 we’re told that as far as it is in our control we should do our best to live at peace with everyone.

About hregister1

Lowndes High student, member of Abundant Life Church of God's youth group (Student Life Ministries), member of Lowndes High Georgia Bridgemen

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